
Playstation 2 cheats brothers in arms road to hill 30
Playstation 2 cheats brothers in arms road to hill 30

While it's certainly helpful to look at the man giving you orders, I found myself staring at the anti-aircraft guns below, their bullets beautifully cutting through the night sky. Nearly all of the levels begin and end with in-game cutscenes, and you're able to control the camera to look at whatever you'd like. When the game begins, you'll find yourself standing in an aircraft with the rest of your squadmates, preparing to leap into the darkness above France. There has never been a game that so accurately recreates this sense of camaraderie, and you'll feel genuinely sorry when you inadvertantly send a squadmate to his death. Even the men in your squad feel true-to-life, especially during the quiet moments when they're busting each others' chops or consoling Matt after he's lost a close friend. Walking through the world the game creates is akin to stepping back in time, especially when you take a look at some of the still photos that can be unlocked when playing through the levels.

playstation 2 cheats brothers in arms road to hill 30

The developers spent months poring over everything from aerial reconnaissance photos to soldiers' personal journals in an attempt to make the game the most realistic WWII title ever, and their efforts have definitely paid off. This heavy emphasis on realism is the one of the game's many strengths, and it's quite obvious that the folks at Gearbox have done their homework. Baker was not a real person, he and the men he commands in the game are based on actual combatants, and each of his squadmates is a well-defined, distinct character. When all was said and done, they were one of the most decorated units in the history of the United States military. From that point on, they made their way through the European theater, ensuring their place in history by participating in some of the war's most important battles. Scattered behind enemy lines after their planes were shot down, the men of the 101st had to brave the elements, the darkness around them, and the advancing enemy troops to join up and complete their mission as planned.

playstation 2 cheats brothers in arms road to hill 30

Matt Baker, a member of the famed 101st Airborne Paratroopers Unit, one of the first squads on the ground during the D-Day invasion. Brothers in Arms places you squarely in the combat boots of Sgt. That's all about to change, however, with the release of Gearbox's Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30, a title that puts you in control of several small squads and sends you into some of the war's pivotal battles.

playstation 2 cheats brothers in arms road to hill 30

From Call of Duty to Medal of Honor, these games drop you on the battlefield, arm you to the teeth, and task you with virtually wiping out the Nazi threat by yourself. There's one type of game, however, that generally stands on the action-heavy side of the fence: WWII shooters.

#Playstation 2 cheats brothers in arms road to hill 30 full

Those that prefer to strategize, on the other hand, have games like Rainbow Six 3 and Full Spectrum Warrior, which require you to think before you act. Hardcore action fans can pick up games like Doom 3 or Halo 2, both of which allow you to pick up a firearm and mow down wave after wave of enemies. When it comes to action-packed shooters, there seems to be a genre for virtually anyone.

Playstation 2 cheats brothers in arms road to hill 30