
Supermind tm
Supermind tm

supermind tm

HJ: I think what TM made me do was become aware of my fear. NR: Has transcendental meditation made you less afraid? And when you start from that basis, then there is great joy in playing different characters. But the more I do this job and the more I meditate, the more I see the unifiers that connect us all. Even though I do play characters, I study human nature and the differences in personalities, traits or natures of different people. And it is paradoxical, because I believe there are more things we have in common than that separate us. It's one of the great ironies, mysteries and, for me, a very, very powerful example of how not to get caught up in the illusion of things. NR: It's interesting that you're that much more in touch with who you really are-and then there are all these characters you play, who are probably very different from you. And certainly I find that, through meditation, has increased for sure. So authenticity is something that actors in particular-but I think anyone in a creative field-would call the Holy Grail. And then you branch out to understand others. You cannot really move forward as an actor until you understand who you are as a person, and understand yourself. But, of course, for the actor the real power is finding authenticity no matter what character you're playing-and being. HJ: Yeah, and let's not forget I'm an actor, so a lot of my life is putting on other masks and other personalities and looking into them. NR: I've seen you mention elsewhere a feeling of authenticity that impressed me as a powerful element in the change. So the moment you say, "change in consciousness," I sense there has been a change, but the change brought me back more to my true nature as opposed to an acquired nature. It's just something simpler, finer and more powerful. HJ: I would describe it more as a revealing of consciousness-that through meditation on a daily basis, I get to strip away the masks that we build-that I build for myself, small and large-to reach more of a feeling of my true self: Oh, this is who I really am. NR: It sounds like you're describing a change in your consciousness.

supermind tm

I think I had been quite an external person, living very much outside of myself, either for validation or just from stimulation, until, through meditation, I started to find what I call home, or a sense of my true nature or true self. I felt a sense of calm, a sense of purpose, of finer energy in things I did. I was always very curious and very much a searcher, but soon after I started meditating, I felt I gained a true understanding of myself and was no longer just being reactive to events that came my way. Hugh Jackman: I would say possibly equally to how marriage and kids did-I would put it right up there, in terms of things that have affected my life. Rosenthal, MD: How has transcendental meditation changed your life?

Supermind tm